Stock Spirits
26 August 2024
Stock Spirits Group presents its new Sustainability Strategy and inaugural Sustainability Report for 2023

The Stock Spirits Group has committed to reducing its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 42% and by approximately 20% in scope 3. It is a part of its revised Sustainability Strategy, which is built on the pillars of People, Planet, Processes. To support the implementation of the strategy, the Group announced a number of intermediate, specific and measurable commitments for each of the three pillars.

The Group has also published a Sustainability Report for the year 2023 to detail measures taken to reduce environmental impact, and to outline its renewed governance model, the ways in which the company is supporting local communities and creating the best possible working conditions for employees.

The new Sustainability Strategy is a response to strong consumer demand for sustainable products and practices during a time of global challenges like the climate crisis, water scarcity, societal changes and public health issues. Stock Spirits Group aspires to be a driver of positive change in those areas it can influence, and the new Sustainability Strategy reflects this desire – it is an integral part of the Group ambition and business strategy. As an international organisation, Stock Spirits Group developed the People, Planet, Processes Strategy to be aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals. The company has also signed a commitment letter with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Renewed Sustainability Strategy
The new Sustainability Strategy is based on three pillars: People, Planet, Process. Each pillar has its own defined focus areas and measurable commitments for the period 2025-2030 .

In a rapidly changing world, the role of businesses in the social sphere has evolved. Organisations like Stock Spirits Group are expected to be proactive members of society and to help address challenges such as public health issues and to work towards positive change.
Within the People pillar, Stock Spirits Group focuses on:

  • Health and Safety (H&S) to ensure the highest standards of H&S, with ongoing target of ZERO serious injuries at work, and ZERO workplace accidents by 2030.
  • Responsible alcohol consumption via education, the introduction of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol products and transparent consumer information. By 2027, all products produced by Stock Spirits Group will feature three responsible drinking icons on product packaging and relevant consumer information will be available on packaging or online.
  • Equal treatment and inclusive organisation, with a strong focus on a strong representation of women in leadership roles. By 2027, Stock Spirits Group aims for a minimum of 40% of its Executive Committee and Senior Leadership positions to be occupied by women. The Group will also work towards achieving employee engagement at the level of high-performing companies, also by 2027.

The climate crisis, loss of biodiversity and water scarcity have a direct impact on the way companies operate and becomes central to corporate agendas.
Within the Planet pillar, Stock Spirits Group focuses on four areas:

  • GHG emissions, with a commitment to reduce its carbon footprint by 2030. Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be cut by 42%. By 2025, the Group will set a scope 3 intensity-based reduction target, which is equivalent to approximately a 20% absolute reduction. Final reduction targets will be submitted for SBTi validation in 2025.
  • Materials and packaging through a target to eliminate 100% of plastic sleeves and pourers in primary packaging and to ensure that 100% of gift boxes for products produced by Stock Spirits Group to be recyclable, both by the end of 2026.
  • Water and energy use, with a target to reduce use of water and thermal energy at production sites by 10% per litre of finished goods by 2030.
  • Responsible farming and sourcing of raw materials with a focus on collaborating with suppliers who prioritize sustainability. We aim to support responsible farming practices and strengthen local communities. Our key goals in this area are to achieve a 100% completion rate of our ESG questionnaire by key suppliers and to audit 100% of potentially high-risk key suppliers, both by 2027.

Today, key stakeholders and customers expect business to operate in a way that is transparent and robust in the face of constant change. At Stock Spirits Group, this means a heightened focus on cyber security to reflect the increasingly digital nature of business, as well as strong governance and risk management to ensure resilience and integrity of operations. Through these measures, the Group aspires to increase trust among stakeholders, safeguard the company and its brands’ reputations and strengthen its market position.
Within the Processes pillar, Stock Spirits Group focuses on two areas:

  • Transparent business conduct with focus on ethics among our employees and business partners.
  • Cybersecurity and data protection with the goal of achieving a 3.0 score in cybersecurity maturity by 2026, in line with the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce (NIST) and achieving ISO 27001 certification by 2027.

Sustainability Report 2023
In addition to the People, Planet, Processes Strategy, Stock Spirits Group is publishing its most-comprehensive Sustainability Report to date. The Report contains details about the company’s key sustainability milestones, challenges and investments in 2023.

In 2023, the Group made significant strides in sustainable development, completing key projects like the construction of a state-of-the-art distillery in Lublin, Poland, an investment of EUR 50 million. The plant is an example of the best-in-class efficiency in the use of natural resources, such as gas and water, while enabling control over product quality and fostering innovation for new and existing products for European consumers.

In September 2023, Stock Spirits Group completed four strategic acquisitions: Clan Campbell Scotch whisky and Dugas in France, Polmos Bielsko–Biala in Poland and Borco (now Stock Spirits GmbH) in Germany. These moves have strengthened the Group’s position, enabling it to enter major markets and to occupy a position as one of the top four companies of its kind Europe in 2023, by value and volume market shares. These acquisitions and market entries have also paved the way for the Group to drive sustainable practices wherever it is present.

In 2024, the Group updated and operationalised its Sustainability Strategy. The Group’s commitment to sustainability has been recognised with an EcoVadis Silver Medal, placing it in the top 9% of the spirits industry globally. The Group aspires to attain a Platinum Medal by 2027.

Highlight achievements in 2023 across the pillars of People, Planet, Processes :

  • 88% participation and 63% engagement in the Group Employee Engagement survey.
  • The global workforce is balanced, with 43% women and 57% men.
  • 33% of the Executive Committee and Senior Leadership team are women.
  • 4557 unsafe acts and conditions reported, with 95.6% of cases resolved.
  • 1170 Safety Walks conducted, resulting in 150 actions turned into improvement plans.
  • 3700+ direct and indirect beneficiaries of the Stock Foundation.


  • 12.5% reduction in total GHG emissions intensity, scope 1 & 2, 2023 vs 2022, per litre of finished goods produced.
  • 93.1% of waste (mostly packaging) is recycled and recovered. On average, packaging consists o
  • 31% recycled materials, while glass bottles contain 28.3% recycled glass.
  • 3.3l of water is used for each litre of finished goods produced.
  • 96.8% of electricity used comes from renewable energy sources (Guarantee of Origin).


  • There were no reported instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic areas or others that would require the payment of a significant fine.
  • No financial penalties incurred for environmental issues at any of the reported locations.

Reflecting on the new Sustainability Strategy and Sustainability Report, Jean-Christophe Coutures, CEO of Stock Spirits Group summarised the Group’s progress: “The year 2023 marked a dynamic transformation of our business and significant progress in our sustainability efforts. We have undertaken projects that will enable us to fulfil the commitments outlined in our revised Sustainability Strategy ‘People, Planet, Processes’. One of our standout achievements in 2023 was the completion of a cutting-edge distillery in Lublin. Due to its efficiency and the way it enables us to control quality, it is one of the most modern in Europe.

We are proud to be a signatory of the commitment letter of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). One of our ambitions is to cut GHG emissions in scope 1 and scope 2 by 42% and by approximately 20% in scope 3 by 2030. We regularly undergo external assessments by EcoVadis. Our efforts were recognised with a Silver Medal in 2023 and our goal is to attain the Platinum Medal by 2027.

Our ambition is to lead ESG activities in Central Europe and make sustainability a key contributor to our competitiveness and differentiation across Europe. I am convinced that only those companies that develop in a sustainable and transparent way can build a long-term future and enjoy the trust of their stakeholders.”

Here are the links to Stock Spirits Group Sustainability Strategy and Sustainability Report for 2023.

Stock Spirits Group
Beata Ptaszynska-Jedynak
Group Corporate Communication Director