Stock Spirits
Responsible drinking

We strongly believe that our products should be enjoyed responsibly by those who choose to drink them. As a spirits company, we understand that we play a very important role in educating and promoting responsible alcohol consumption. Responsible Drinking is an important pillar of our Sustainability Strategy.

We consider responsible drinking to be the consumption of alcohol in a moderate, responsible manner, with no alcohol for at-risk groups such as, minors, guardians of minors, carers of minors, pregnant women, and drivers, to prevent abuse and harm to the health of consumers.

We believe that work to reduce the misuse of alcohol is most effective via:

• cooperation among various parties such as: industry, industry associations, regulators/governments, local authorities, NGOs, etc.

 long-term education

• transparent consumer information incl. responsibility icons and/or links to relevant information on packs and/or on-line so consumers may make an informed choice.

We are truly convinced, in line with our purpose of “Enhancing the flavours of life”  that alcohol should be consumed only by adults, in the culture of moderation, and to enjoy a celebratory moment. The consumption of our products should always be a positive experience.

Underage drinking

Stock Spirits Group is strictly against underage drinking in any form and amount. We do not promote or encourage alcohol towards minors. Our products are not intended for consumption by underage persons.

We support educational programmes and awareness campaigns on responsible drinking to inform about the negative impact of harmful consumption of alcohol by underage persons. We believe that it is our duty to make sure that our products are enjoyed responsibly, therefore we encourage awareness and empower mindful choices.

Alcohol and pregnancy

Stock Spirits Group is strictly against drinking alcohol at any time and in any form or amount by pregnant, breastfeeding women and guardians of minors. Any amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy may negatively impact a fetus. Regular and/or heavy alcohol drinking by pregnant women may cause irreversible damage to the unborn child’s mental and physical development, causing e.g. FASD (Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders).

We strongly advise that women who intend to get pregnant, are pregnant or are breastfeeding to completely refrain from drinking any alcohol.

Examples of responsible drinking initiatives:

• Stock Poland is a long-standing and active member of the Polish Spirits Industry Association, a trade organisation which, as a part of its work, promotes responsible drinking through educational programmes and public campaigns:

• Stock Spirits in Germany is a member of the Federal Association of the German Spirits Industry and Importers (Bundesverband der Deutschen Spirituosen Industrie und Importeure e.V. (BSI)) and the partner of numerous  local responsible drinking initiatives:

• Stock Plzeň-Božkov and Stock Slovensko are founders and active members of ‘Fórum PSR’ (eng.: drink responsibly; sk: pi s rozumom) Pi s rozumom, which brings together the countries’ major spirits producers and distributors to work against alcohol misuse. The forum aims to raise awareness of the negative effects of irresponsible drinking. Stock uses the ‘PSR, (drink responsibly)’ platform within media, in-store and brand communications. Forum members have also pledged to observe the Code of Conduct that regulates advertising activities.
– Drink Responsibly (Pi s rozumom)
– Self-Regulation (The Code of RPR)