Stock Spirits company unveiled a bold and refreshed logo, accompanied by a new ambitious purpose and manifesto that marks a transformative step into the future, yet still honours its 140-year legacy. The revitalised identity reflects the company’s ethos of being bold, innovative, ambitious and committed to being a leader in the European spirits industry.
The iconic Stock logo has been one of the most recognised visual elements of the global spirits industry for 140 years and in that time it has undergone many evolutions. The updated logo maintains notable elements of the original, but with a fresh, streamlined design. Bidding a respectful farewell to the gold crest, the new bold logo shifts its focus to showcasing the iconic blue and red brand colours. Subtle adjustments have been made, such as levelling the height of the central letter ‘O’ and removing the descriptor ‘Spirits Group’ that puts the word ‘Stock’ at the forefront creating clarity and impact across both digital and traditional touchpoints.
Accompanying the new logo, the company also announced a new purpose, ‘Championing Local Spirits Icons’. The statement underpins Stock Spirits’ goal to become the leading mainstream spirits company in Europe by 2027, focusing on innovating at scale and putting the needs and wants of the European consumer at the heart of the business.
Jean-Christophe Coutures, CEO of Stock Spirits company, commented: “Our ambition is to become the leading mainstream spirits company in Europe, and in order to achieve this, we need an immediately recognisable brand, that resonates with all stakeholders.
This brand transformation reflects our evolution from being a Central European to a pan-European business, with growth ambitions.
Likewise, as a responsible leader in spirits we have not only a strong ESG backbone, but also a compelling purpose which drives our colleagues, actions and strategy. This new purpose ‘Championing Local Spirits Icons’ epitomises the essence of Stock Spirits company being innovative, with strong local brands in the portfolio, as well as bold and proud of our local heritage.
With this new visual identity, and purpose, we are entering 2025 in a strong position, clearly focussing on the future, and reaching to achieve our ambition.”
The new purpose aims to inspire and unite employees across nine operational markets, attract customers and investors by underscoring the company’s transparent business practices, and to build consumer confidence by continuing to offer high-quality and iconic brands.
The third element to Stock Spirits company new identity is a manifesto – a written statement of the company’s values, aspirations, and intentions providing a unique insight for partners and both current and future employees.
Nicolas Mazuranic, CMO of Stock Spirits company, who led the work on the new identity elements, said: “The new manifesto marks a milestone in Stock’s 140-year history, as it celebrates our entrepreneurial spirit, heritage and the contentious pursuit of excellence. The new identity was created collaboratively by employees across our markets and has been positively received throughout the business. We believe the new identity truly represents the collective energy, diversity, and talent of Stock team.”
The new logo, purpose and manifesto will be implemented throughout the business from mid December. To view the purpose and manifesto, visit